Sneha Belani

Senior cabin crew with Air India, Strength and Lifestyle coach, Founder of Jet Set Shred
Senior cabin crew with Air India, Strength and Lifestyle coach, Founder of Jet Set Shred

My Story

I’m Sneha, a fitness trainer and an air hostess who loves helping busy professionals stay fit and strong. My fitness journey started with a simple goal: to get a sculpted body and 6-pack abs.

But along the way, I discovered a deeper purpose that drove me to pursue a Healthy lifestyle. That purpose was my Mother. She had an accident that changed her life forever. She struggled with basic tasks that I took for granted. I realized how important it was to take care of my body and mind through strength training and nutrition. I don’t want you to miss out on the joys of life because of poor health. I don’t want you to starve or limit yourself. I want you to find your sweet spot and enjoy life. I will help you eat the foods you crave without feeling guilty. I will teach you how to exercise smartly and quickly without living in the gym.

My vision reaches beyond shedding kilograms on a scale. It’s about empowering you to lead disease-free lives and attain long-lasting vitality. Together, we’ll overcome obstacles and unlock your full potential.

Join me on this incredible journey of transformation. Let’s create a life of Strength, Balance, and Vibrant Well-Being.

Your Co-traveler,
Sneha Belani



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